Kurdish Tv
Kurdistan TV (Kurdish: کوردستان تیڤی) was the first Kurdish language satellite television station in Iraqi Kurdistan that started broadcasting in 1999. It belongs to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and is based Hawler.[1]
The channel broadcasts programs mainly in Kurdish language and can be viewed using a WS International satellite system. It transmits on the Eutelsat for Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, and on Galaxy 19 for North America.
Apart from its Kurdish language services, Kurdistan TV also offers an online news presence in Arabic and Turkish. Kurdistan TV's European offices are based in the Netherlands and Germany.
The channel broadcasts programs mainly in Kurdish language and can be viewed using a WS International satellite system. It transmits on the Eutelsat for Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, and on Galaxy 19 for North America.
Apart from its Kurdish language services, Kurdistan TV also offers an online news presence in Arabic and Turkish. Kurdistan TV's European offices are based in the Netherlands and Germany.
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Rudaw. لەگەڵمان بە. پەخشی راستەوخۆ, على النت, قناة TRT6 اون لاين, كوردستان, مشاهدة جميع القنوات الكردية مباشرة على الانترنت, ههولێر, ههولێر تهلهفزيۆنى گهلى كوردستان, هي اول قناة تلفزيونية تركية وطنية ناطقة باللغة التركية و هي احدى قنوات ... البث المباشر لقناة TRT6
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